What's in the news for us?

Our 2020/21 Season has kicked off to a great start. We are planning to race again in Iron River, WI at the Northern Pines Sled Dog Race in the 6 and 4 dog classes on February 20th, 2021. All our team mates are looking great and we are excited to see what they can do competitively this year with a few young dogs in the teams.
Thunder Owl Kennel's Native Youth Sled Dog Program will be taking a break for the 2018-19 season as well as the 2019-20 season. We will begin the program again in 2022.
Iron River, WI.
Northern Pines Sled Dog Race
6 dog class
4th place
Happy New Year! This year is already filled with lots on our agenda!
Wakiyan Hinhan Dog Derby Shakopee, MN. January 20-21, 2018. For more info visit https://www.facebook.com/events/294352201078541/ Cancelled
Kiwatchi Dog Sled Rides, Bloomington MN. (Dog sled rides available. For more info visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1956541021333300/ January 22-Feb. 5th, 2018
MID MN sled dog race, Outing, MN. February 10, 2018
Winter Warriors sled dog race, Little Falls, MN. February 17-18, 2018 (Race is cancelled but there will be a FUN RUN FEBRUARY 17th For more info on this event visit https://www.facebook.com/events/429626217411571/)
Thunder Owl's Native Youth Sled Dog Program GRADUATION. March 28, 2018
Looking to have a Dog Sled seminar/Demo at your school or youth program? Call/ email us to schedule for the month of March 2018. Visit our "Book Online" page.
We have quite a few things planned this year (2017). Since September 2016 we have started Thunder Owl Kennel's Native Youth Sled Dog Program and will be doing fundraisers to raise money for the program. We are currently working to update the website. So check back in for more news.-Date: 3/22/17
Thunder Owl Kennel will be at Adopt-a-husky Annual Hike Fundraiser May 13th 2017. Come Find our booth next to North Star Sled Dog Club.
Thunder Owl Kennel's Native Youth Sled Dog Program will be at the 2017 Annual Awards Meeting and Banquet as a lead dog sponsor in Rhinelander, WI June 9-11, 2017.
Thunder Owl Kennel's Native Youth Sled Dog Program presents our first fundraiser. Mark your calendar for July 8th 2017 for a fun dog show. More information on our "Events" page.
Thunder Owl Kennel's Native Youth Sled Dog Program will be attending the Dog Days of Summer Event July 29th, 2017 at the Alimagnet Dog Park in Burnsville, MN
All races for 2016-17 racing season have been canceled due to no snow conditions.
Thunder Owl Kennel has teamed up with North Star Sled Dog Club and will be racing in a few races this 2016/17 season. If you come show your support for our team/s we will give you a $5.00 discount on our clothing line. (Does not include shipping. But does include at the races.) Clothing will also be available the day of the races.
Our new clothing line is coming out in a few weeks. Stay tuned.
Thunder Owl Kennel is now a proud sponsor of Brewer Motorsports for the 2016 racing season!!!!